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Week 7 Presentation: Exploring Narrative

Updated: Oct 31, 2022

Revisiting and developing my storyboard, mainly focusing on the façade/entrance. Curved façade rather than flat. These smaller sketches already tell a better story than my first attempt.


From my exploration of water movements being projected - what if the panels were not just smooth surfaces, but had texture and pattern to them - like how the water was projected onto the panels. I then used one of my initial surface designs and engraved this into MDF and acrylic. I like the texture more so on the acyclic, there's something interesting about the untouched clear parts, and the engraved areas that are now not clear. All the lasered dots remind me of salt, like if salt water was evaporated, and all that was left was the salt. This could be an interesting exploration to see the formation of salt once water is evaporated - the remains of what lies beneath our feet, beneath the ground. Traces of salt.

Final sketches of storyboard:

From my sketches, I felt like I wasn't capturing Fort Lane and Imperial Lane in my drawings, so I printed off perspectives from the rhino models and traced over to form my storyboard. I thought about how the panels from the façade flow into the space, and how maybe this could flow and stagger throughout Imperial Lane.

Final storyboard:

Design pitch:

My project is about acknowledging the changing of the waterfront shoreline. I want to focus on the shoreline because of how history has been stripped away. Exposing the land reclamation and the environmental issues this has caused.

Through the making of my pre cinematic device, I had these ideas of viewing the space from a foreign perspective. This idea was brought upon from this quote that I liked from Bruno’s text “...followed by the eye and the varying perceptions of an object that depend on how it appears to the eye”. This generated a train of thought of how our perceptions change from where our view is positioned. We don't see from high up or very low down, these are some perspectives that are abnormal to us. By looking at these viewpoints, how could we see the site differently? Would there be any details that were not noticeable at eye level? Seeing from a low point, I began to think about how our perception is also altered by movement. Seeing very low, the movement of our legs walking produces swaying and bobbing like motions. How could this be emphasized?

The capturing of this low perspective and walking movements produced these fragmented, blurred images. The space looked like water with the blurriness and the stretched out lighting. This began thinking about the history of the space about how the site used to be the shoreline and embodied water. How could this historical context be used to make others aware of this change? This annotation of movement, water and memory.

This led me into surface design, thinking about water, organic shapes, and water movement. By rolling a piece of clay onto a surface, some areas picked up clay, others didn't, which produced this water like design. I really liked the layering of the clay and the layering of the shapes/lines. How could this then turn into a façade? I started by breaking up the shapes and lines in these surface designs. Some of these lines overlapped, connected, and dispersed from each other, I could see each of these turning into pieces like a puzzle. What if these pieces overlapped each other? This line work turned into solid shapes which I then cut out into this frosted acrylic. These shapes then sat on each other, overlapping, making new shapes, and exposing spaces and holes in the design. I liked the opaqueness and the changing of densities, this can be seen when light is shining behind the design. Those cut-outs create a path for someone to walk through, an entrance. Though as a flat surface, how could this be more inviting, more noticeable? What if the organic shapes and curves were not only a flat detail, but were the shapes of the façade? Curving from fort lane into imperial lane.

For my design I have decided to use imperial lane because I like the sloping of the space, how it runs down into fort lane, where the lowest part of the dip is. I am designing a space to acknowledge and raise awareness of the heritage and history of what the space used to be. Rescripting the site back to what it was before it was touched.


What's next?

Research more into memory and water, how can projections be used throughout the space rather than one projection screen, how can I use water in my design? I think my next moves should be research, researching design precedents, the way water has memory, and continue physical experiments like I have been doing in the first 7 weeks.


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