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  • qtd9864

Week 13

Updated: Oct 31, 2022

Gallery Space:

As I begun modelling my project, I felt like something was missing. The centre is for reviving and preserving memories of the history and of the ocean. Including historical photographs and drawings of the site in a gallery within Imperial Lane will interconnect the site to the waterfront. Understanding and seeing the different phases this section of land has gone through provides a lens into the past that is no longer here. I wanted to continue the seating into the gallery area which heads towards Queen Street for visitors to soak up the history and mesmerize these historical artefacts.

Storyboard Perspectives:

Rendering my storyboard perspectives, went through several different iterations. From my storyboard sketches I roughly knew what perspective I wanted for each image. Post render touch ups I added in details that were not modelled such as the wall tiles, people, and the salt sculpture. I also added in a texture to the final renders for a sketchy look to emphasize the design being a proposal for the site.

Detail Pages:

The fabrication and details of key moments in the space will need to shown throughout my presentation. I have sketched roughly how I want the pages to be set up. Regarding the salt sculpture detail, I initially had the drips falling onto a pile of clay. Though this could work, I want to relate more to the current site - concrete and other manmade materials that are deteriorating in the site. Aside from concrete, metal is a commonly seen material along Fort Lane and Imperial Lane that has signs of erosion and decay. The salt water will drip into a shallow metal dish that will capture the memories dissolved from the crystal, leaving traces of these memories behind in the form of recrystallizing crystals and water damage - staining and rusting. Over time the crystal will reduce in size and the metal dish will start to deteriorate.


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